3 Hazards for Workers at Construction Sites

Between 2019 and 2021, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of Saudi Arabia’s construction industry is expected to be 6%. This can be attributed to the 5,200 construction projects currently underway, each worth $819 billion. These numbers confirm that the Kingdom’s construction market is huge. Being a labor-intensive industry, it has employed a significant number of workers to meet the targets.

While the targets may be met, the construction contractors may miss a shot or two when it comes to worker safety at the construction sites. The sites are riddled with safety hazards and employers need to take measures to curb them. That’s why advanced safety training programs in Saudi Arabia are crucial for the safety of construction workers. Here all the hazards it prepares you for.


Falling from dangerous heights is a leading cause of deaths in the construction industry. Unstable landings, faulty ladders and other equipment, and lack of protective gear results in a large number of casualties.

Construction workers don’t have protective head gear, no-skid boots or proper on-site costumes while they’re working at heights greater than 6 feet. Apart from Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), they also need fall prevention facilities on the work site such as guard rails and safety nets because falls can be fatally dangerous.

They can lead to minor fractures or major bones breaking and causing death on the spot. The worst accidents can leave the affected workers with life-long injuries that become disabling and compromise their quality of life. These dangers can’t be ignored because every human life matters and it’s the employer’s job to make sure they’re working in safe conditions.


Scaffolding accidents cost us nearly 50 fatalities and 4500 injuries every year. Since there are about 2.3 million construction workers involved with scaffolding, the risk of accidents is equally high. The construction industry can’t afford to lose their trained workers to such accidents. But they happen because of negligence. Scaffolding should not be operable unless it’s bolstered by a stable support and strengthened with toe boards, guard rails and mid-rails. The final structure should be tested for the weight it can safely carry. Ideally, it should be able to manage four times the maximum load without crumbling under the pressure.

Before it’s opened for workers, experts should inspect it for any potential safety risks before it’s used. Unfortunately, failure to comply with safety guidelines results in cases of electrocution when the scaffolding comes in contact with the power lines or collapse when the structure can’t withstand the weight. These faults should be rectified with safety training before more lives are lost.


Shocks, blasts and other incidents of electrocution contribute to on-site fatalities. The workers are exposed to high-power electrical systems without adequate knowledge and training to manage the electrical work. They need to be trained to use ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) and avoid working with tools without double insulation. Electrical hazards account for a large number of life-threatening accidents at construction sites which require proper safety training.

We offer IOSH training programs, IADC training programs, first aid training, firefighting training courses and much more. We understand the value of life and wish to instill a safety-conscious attitude in workplaces, especially construction sites. For details, contact us right here.

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